
News Bystronic 在日本成功亮相

Bystronic 在日本东京今年的冲压/钣金/成形加工展 (MF Tokyo) 上首次展示了自己的折弯技术。团队凭借 BySprint Fiber 激光切割系统和相应的软件解决方案为观众留下了深刻印象。

在日升之国举办的盛会: 2017 年 7 月 12 日至 15 日,共有 31,000 多名观众参观了 MF Tokyo ,这一金属加工领域全球最大、最重要的盛会。 Bystronic 首次参展:我们的团队在日本首次展示了折弯技术。 Xpert 40 和 Xpert 150 凭借易用性和时尚的外观设计深受观众喜爱。团队通过 BySprint Fiber 3015 激光切割系统和相应的软件解决方案为观众留下了深刻印象。我们不仅添加了三名新团队成员,还和来自其他国家公司的同时进行了合作。 Bystronic 在日本展会取得的巨大成功主要得益于全体员工的共同努力。


Premiere: The Xpert 150 was presented in Japan for the first time.

Premiere: The Xpert 150 was presented in Japan for the first time.

The visitors appreciated the simple usability and stylish design of the Bystronic press brakes.

The visitors appreciated the simple usability and stylish design of the Bystronic press brakes.

The presentation of the BySprint Fiber 3015 also drew big crowds.

The presentation of the BySprint Fiber 3015 also drew big crowds.

BySoft 7 was presented by Bystronic software specialists from Japan and Korea.

BySoft 7 was presented by Bystronic software specialists from Japan and Korea.
