Let's Connect! Contacts
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Italy Contact

Subsidiary, Sales / Service

Bystronic Italia S.r.l.


Bystronic Automation Technology S.p.A.


Bystronic Tube Processing S.p.A.


Smiling man with brown hair and blue suit

Giovanni Discotto

Area Sales Manager

Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige

Smiling man with short dark brown hair and short beard with blue suit

Luca Omeri

Area Sales Manager

Marche, Umbria, Toscana, RSM

Alessio Puttin

Alessio Puttin

Area Sales Manager

Nord – Piemonte, Nord – Lombardia


Lino Fesi

Lino Fesi

Head of Service

Service and Support

Massimiliano Di Guardo

Massimiliano Di Guardo

Parts Warehouse Team Leader

Project Management

smiling man with short gray hair and blue suit

Matteo Airaghi

Head of Project Management

Emanuela Fellone

Emanuela Fellone

Sales Administration

Cristian Sica

Cristian Sica

Installation Manager