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ByTrans Modular 高度灵活的上下料解决方案,用于实现激光系统的自动化

ByTrans Modular loading and unloading automation solution for laser system: Title image

高速激光切割 激光系统的自动上下料

ByTrans Modular 是一套用于自动化的上下料系统。它令您的 百超 激光切割设备进一步提速,无论是对于大批量还是小批量订单。


操作方便 易于使用的触摸屏


ByTrans Modular loading and unloading automation solution for laser system: Touchscreen

自动化确保理想的生产率 完美地根据您的需求量身定制

ByTrans Modular 的可配置度极高。这样不仅提升激光系统的生产率,还能降低操作员的劳动强度。

ByStar Fiber fiber laser cutting machine with ByTrans Modular loading and unloading automation solution for laser system

无缝结合 随时可以顺利升级

成熟的系统架构可实现与下一代 百超 存储解决方案的原生连接。为了让您的生产率再上一个台阶,系统可以连接至 BySort。在同一套自动化系统中,您还能用 ByTrans Modular 设备管理两套激光系统。

ByTrans Modular loading and unloading automation solution for multiple laser systems

高速激光切割 激光系统的自动上下料

ByTrans Modular 是一套用于自动化的上下料系统。它令您的 百超 激光切割设备进一步提速,无论是对于大批量还是小批量订单。


操作方便 易于使用的触摸屏


自动化确保理想的生产率 完美地根据您的需求量身定制

ByTrans Modular 的可配置度极高。这样不仅提升激光系统的生产率,还能降低操作员的劳动强度。

无缝结合 随时可以顺利升级

成熟的系统架构可实现与下一代 百超 存储解决方案的原生连接。为了让您的生产率再上一个台阶,系统可以连接至 BySort。在同一套自动化系统中,您还能用 ByTrans Modular 设备管理两套激光系统。

ByTrans Modular loading and unloading automation solution for laser system: Touchscreen
ByStar Fiber fiber laser cutting machine with ByTrans Modular loading and unloading automation solution for laser system
ByTrans Modular loading and unloading automation solution for multiple laser systems

凭借 ByTrans Modular 上下料解决方案,提升您的生产率,实现激光系统的自动化。


技术参数 ByTrans Modular 的所有信息

 ByTrans Modular 3015ByTrans Modular 4020
板材标称尺寸3000 x 1500 mm4000 x 2000 mm
最大板材尺寸3085 × 1560 mm4100 × 2060 mm
单片板材最大厚度 (上下料)25* mm25* mm
最大板材重量900* kg1600* kg

视频 工作中的 ByTrans Modular

ByTrans Modular & BySort Thumbnail


ByTrans Modular loading and unloading automation solution for laser system: Touchscreen



ByTrans Modular loading and unloading automation solution for multiple laser systems



ByTrans Modular loading and unloading automation solution for laser system with BySort sorting system


需要时,可以将系统连接至分拣解决方案 BySort。由此提升整体自动化程度。

ByTrans Modular loading and unloading automation solution for laser system: Sustainably smart


管理大尺寸工件的下料并回收余料 – 实现可持续的生产。

ByTrans Modular Flex 1 & BySort

I/O shuttle for cut sheets cassettes unloading

ByTrans Modular Flex 1 & BySort

Residual sheet management I: Reduces material waste and enhance flexibility.

ByTrans Modular Flex 1 & BySort

Residual sheet management II

ByTrans Modular Flex 1 & BySort

Automatic load & unload: Simultaneous load and unload for shorter cycle times to keep the laser machine continously cutting.

ByTrans Modular Flex 1 & BySort

I/O shuttle for loading tower cassettes: Easy material supply to the ByTower Line storage, with forklift or overhead crane, thanks to the motorized I/O shuttle.

ByTrans Modular Flex 1 & BySort

Automated sorting & big part removal

ByTrans Modular Flex 1 & BySort

Big part removal: Autmatically separates big cut parts reducing heavy loads and follow up times.

ByTrans Modular Flex 1 & BySort

BySort for ByTrans Modular: The fully automated sorting solution to separate your single cut parts without additional effort.

ByTrans Modular Flex 1 & BySort

Failed sorted parts: In case of sorting issue, to avoid automated cycles interruptions, automation will unload the remaining parts and will proceed with the next cutting plan.

ByTrans Modular Flex 1 & BySort

Over/Under shuttle: Additional loading/unloading position to enable manual material handling at ergonomic height and loading of quickly needed jobs, without automation interruption.


百超 服务

百超 服务 根据您的需求量身定制,确保顺利生产

Comprehensive service packages from ByCare, including tailor-made service packages for all your maintenance needs.

ByCare 套餐


preventice maintenance and proactive advice from the expert



Bystronic employees providing after sales and service by reviewing a cut sheet metal part.


我们为您的 百超 系统提供保养及维护服务。我们可以根据您的要求,为您提供改装升级服务或附件,以调整您的机器。如有必要,我们还可以进行大修。



软件 BySoft Suite – 提升过程效率的软件

板材加工的未来在于智能化、网络化的生产。百超 软件能通过数字化联网您的整个公司,实现以最佳方式控制您的生产。

Further digitalizes the sheet metal processing industry and provides simplification, transparency, and efficiency: The BySoft Suite Software.